Photo by Sylvie Tittel on UnsplashThe next SLA Forum, on Thursday 4 April, will be on food waste in Armidale, led by Professor Derek Baker, Director of the UNE Centre for Agribusiness. Rather than present the evidence for food waste, the focus of the forum will be on developing community strategies to reduce our overall food waste. It will be an interactive forum.

Globally about a third of all food produced for human consumption is wasted throughout the food chain, from farms, transport, shops and homes. Armidale is not exempt.

In February, Derek and his colleagues hosted a day long meeting in the Town Hall called, ‘What a Waste’, in which speakers outlined research on global food waste and some of the ways people have begun to address the issue, such as our City to Soil scheme.

The evidence is decisive and action is needed. The next step is to consider what we can do about it and what role, if any, SLA can take not only as individuals finding ways to reduce our own waste, but as an organisation.

Forum Thursday 4 April 2019: 7–9pm Kent House, Faulkner Street, opposite Central Park

The forum is followed by a delicious light supper and informal conversation. Everyone is Welcome, as are small donations