13254831_1411533062196714_2000168919754957723_oElection Climate Action Rally 5 June, Bicentennial Park Tamworth, 12 noon

Come along and add your voice and your concerns. Many SLA members have already decided to attend.

The speakers will include:

  • Anika Molesworth, Young Australian Farmer of the Year
  • Rob Taber: Independent Candidate for New England
  • Mercurius Goldstein: Greens Candidate for New England
  • Tony Windsor: Independent Candidate for New England
  • The organisers are still hoping Barnaby Joyce (Nationals Candidate for New England and current Deputy Prime Minister) will accept their invitation to speak.
  • Adam Blakester: Regional sustainability and social change
  • Robin Gunning and Emma Stilts: rally organisers and environmental activists

What are the options and visions for New England? What are the candidates’ policies to ensure a sustainable future for our children and the region?

Armidale Train: Many people plan to take the train down and back to emphasise the event

  • Departs Armidale at 8:40 arriving in Tamworth at 10:27
  • Departs Tamworth at 3:37 arriving in Armidale at 5:35

If you drive, try to fill your car. If you need a ride or have space, contact: info@slarmidale.org

11:00am, prior to the rally

  • Listen to Voices of New England Choir and learn a few rounds
  • Make props and posters
  • Grab a cuppa and chat: there will be food and coffee throughout the day

12noon Rally

Workshops following rally

  1. How to combat climate deniers: ways to identify and counter climate deniers and strategies to help undecided people understand the issues. (Robin Gunning: The Climate Reality Project)
  2. A new wind blowing: the largest regional investment project in New England. The bright future of wind generation and other renewable projects for our region.   (Adam Blakester: New England Wind and Starfish Enterprises)
  3. Voices of New England Choir: Sing rounds in the sun.

Close 3pm

Contact. Robin Gunning:{mobile phone prefix oh for}19986467

By: Robin Gunning