Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Power to the People – with Batteries!

GEOFF BRAGG AThe next SLA Forum to be held on Thursday, 1st October is all about power – the power we generate ourselves and what the future might hold, especially on the residential front.

Geoff Bragg, local PV installer and chair of the NSW Solar  Energy Industries Association, and secretary of the Australian Solar Council & Energy Storage Council, will explain the current state of play in the solar energy industry. With recent advances in battery storage Geoff will discuss how these new developments are expected to take the industry forward. In-house hybrid storage systems for the average home is a game changer in how we might approach our own energy generation and usage. The challenges to the poles and wires infrastructure and policy implications will also be explored.

Geoff is a strong advocate for the solar industry, holding various board positions, as well as frequently delivering radio interviews on all things solar. He brings a practical, technical and boots on the ground knowledge of the PV industry.

The forum, SLA’s monthly evening event, starts at 7pm at Kent House, Faulkner St. Come along for an informative and friendly evening. A light supper follows. Donations welcome but not required.

1 comment to Power to the People – with Batteries!

  • Tom Livanos

    I came away from the open forum with a sense that investment in solar energy is empowering householders like never before. A key example is the 60%+ reduction in price brought about by the Tesla battery, soon to be released. It is also a technology which may be applied on a large scale e.g. for a factory.

    There is another side to this story though – something alluded to by a fellow attendee. That is that we continue to live in a community. No technology, no matter how sophisticated or well built, can replace community. Person-x’s actions and inactions has an impact on people around person-x. Sometimes, those impacted could be on the other side of the world.

    It is easy to think of this in the negative e.g. actions of spite or jealousy. The same is true in the positive e.g. actions of caring or compassion. For whatever it may be worth, I prefer to spend my lifetime being compassionate – as imperfectly as I may actually be at it.

    I welcome responses – be it here or to my email address:

    Best regards,
    Tom Livanos.
    Armidale, New South Wales.
    Thursday 8 October 2015.