6.30 pm – Meet and greet
- Film Maker Richard Todd
- accidental activist Dayne Pratzky
- Carmel Flint, National Campaign Co-ordinator Lock the Gate Alliance
7.00 pm – Seated
- General welcome
- Welcome to Country
- Dayne Pratzky: Introduction to Frackman the movie
- Short film about how Aboriginal communities all around Australia are leading the fight to stop CSG.
- Frackman Film (90 minutes)
- Q & A – Panel: Dayne Pratzky and Carmel Flint
Also join us 6 March for a public meeting ‘Protecting the future’ at the Armidale City Bowling Club at 7.00 pm. Speakers Jess Moore (NSW CSG), David Hare-Scott (Gloucester’s struggle against CSG), Michael Forrester (Gold/antimony exploration licences for Armidale and district).
Is this a fundraiser?
If so, which organisation benefits?
I believe it is not a fundraiser. All proceeds go here: http://frackmanthemovie.com
I can now confirm this.