The labyrinth has been repainted on the grass at Civic Park, just behind the Judith Wright Memorial Garden at the corner of Faulkner and Dumaresq Streets.
Please feel free to walk it at your leisure. Some of us are walking at dusk on full moons, and there will most likely also be a group walking on Friday evening 21 March to celebrate the Autumnal Equinox.
A thought to walk with during this time of Autumn is “Which efforts of the past year have brought forth a harvest for which I can offer gratitude?”.
The plan is to install a permanent brick and turf labyrinth at this site, so if you would like more information, please email, or ring Joy on {mobile prefix oh four}03 966 517.
By: Joy Bowles
Dear Joy/all,
Overall, I think a fine spot has been chosen for the location of the Labyrith. I look forward to using it more and more as time goes on.
Best regards,
Tom Livanos.