Black Gully Music Festival 2022
10am SAT NOV 9th

Every year Armidale folk gather at Black Gully (behind NERAM) to celebrate community, music and biodiversity
Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.
Lightbulb Moments
Take control of your electrical use & costs with this Resource Guide Online PDF and Print PDF for welfare agencies to assist clients, colleagues and community.

Meet the Candidates: Local Government Election

Meet the Candidates for the ADC Local elections

  • Date: 26/08/2012
  • Time: 10:00am
  • Where: The Town Hall Armidale
  • Category: Community Events

New England Toastmasters will hold a meet the candidates forum for the ADC local elections. Details:

When: Sunday 26 August 2012

Where: Armidale Town Hall

Who: All the candidates and the community are invited

What: Candidates are invited to address the community for a maximum of 2 1/2 minutes. Community members then have the opportunity to ask a candidate a question. To allow for a variety of questions to be asked, a particular question can only be asked once.

Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served from 10am for a gold coin donation.

All welcome. This is your opportunity to know what each candidate stands for as they will be the ones representing us for the next four years.

For more information about the New England Toastmasters:

  • Cost: Free. Tea, coffee and biscuits for

Event contact details


2 comments to Meet the Candidates: Local Government Election

  • Jack Arnold


    During the last twelve (12) years Armidale Dumaresq Council (‘ADC’) has failed to deliver any real benefits to ratepayers. Instead ratepayers have seen obstructive planning procedures, inept economic development, and financial waste by unnecessary litigation, overstaffing and under-performance from paid officers.

    The final straw was the retiring Councillors gifting a new three (3) year contract to the General Manager 12 months out from this election, a policy that could reasonably be likened to a commercial golden parachute at a time when ADC appears to have been trading insolvent by ordinary accounting standards.

    Armidale ratepayers want new councillors who have successful commercial experience especially in business, financial management, accountancy and law.

    So, in ballot sheet order, suitable candidates include Peter O’Donohue (Group A), Laurie Bishop (Group B), Hugh Piper, David Fenwicke & Leanne Thomas (all Group D), and from the Ungrouped Group, Anthony Hardwick, Jack Rapley, Allan Mitchell, Andrew Murat and Vicki Kembery.

    These fresh candidates have wide and diverse commercial experience that will make the necessary difference to council management and governance.

    When elected, these councillors will need to consider:

    1. reviewing the administrative structure of ADC to determine the optimal business model to reduce staff expenses for ratepayers;

    2. directing the General Manager to practice efficient financial management including timely financial reporting;

    3. facilitating economic development opportunities rather than obstructing suitable business projects, including residential building projects; and

    4. revoking the proposed pay for parking policy that will crush the remaining life out of the Armidale Mall, once described as “the jewel in Armidale’s crown”.

    Ratepayers are reminded that voting below the line in this optional preferential system ensures your preference.

    Voting above the line gifts your preferences to the whim of a faceless person.

    Number the squares at least ”1” to “10”
    in your order of preference
    to register your vote.

  • Jack Arnold


    These candidates are considered to have the successful business, accounting, financial management or legal experience necessary to provide ratepayers with the necessary changes to the present Armidale Dumaresq Council (‘ADC’) policies.

    Number the squares below the line in the order of your choice at least “1” to “10” to ensure that your vote counts.

    In Ballot Sheet order for convenience.

    PETER O’DONOHUE (Group A) — Career of wide ranging experience in small business, construction & education. 36 years resident, wants ADC financial accountability.

    LAURIE BISHOP (Group B) – Retired after 30 years experience as Engineer, Project Manager, Senior Manager & Board roles in R&D & global marketing. Resident with family since 2010. Wants ADC with ‘can do’ strategic planning & financial accountability.

    HUGH PIPER (Group D) – Lawyer & Company Director (former Chartered Accountant & Registered Liquidator). Resident for 14 years with family. Will promote Armidale as the sustainable city of the future.

    DAVID FENWICKE (Group D) — Self employed cattle producer & share trader, resident with family for 10 years . Will revoke present parking policy & make ADC financially accountable, supports Dumaresq Dam retention.

    LEANNE THOMAS (Group D) – Self employed Publican & community person. Resident 9 years. Wants pro-active ADC approach encouraging economic development.

    Ungrouped Group

    ANTHONY HARDWICK –- Retired Company Director & Chartered Accountant with international experience, grazier & railway enthusiast. Resident for 10 years. Wants to realise Armidale’s potential by running ADC as a corporate board directing paid officers.

    ALLAN MITCHELL –- Self employed small business person at Dumaresq with extensive manufacturing experience. Resident with family for 30 Years. Will promote economic development, population growth & jobs by attracting new businesses.

    JACK RAPLEY — Self employed Director of import & distribution company. Resident with family for 16 years. Wants ADC financial accountability, improved planning process, & industrial development giving job opportunities for Armidale youth.

    ANDREW MURAT – Self-employed Director of Ewe Beaut Products Pty Ltd steel fabricators having 6 employees. Resident with family for 25 years. Wants to make ADC financially accountable, streamline planning & overhaul economic development.

    VICKI KEMBERY — Self employed Director of Travel 195 Company. Armidale borne daughter of former Mayor Doug Hewitt. Wants to give Armidale a future vision & reality of economic growth.