Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

The Armidale Home-grown Garden Tour

Homegrown Gardentour 2010

The Armidale Local Food group (ALF) will be holding its annual Home-grown Garden Tour on the first weekend of March 2011 (5th & 6th) and we are looking for people interested in sharing their food producing gardens with the community

The tour features 10 homes with food-producing gardens within Armidale’s town boundary. They attract an estimated 200 people and were very popular and enjoyable for garden hosts and tour participants alike.

We are particularly interested in gardens which have employed novel, inventive, and sustainable methods and/or recycled materials. Gardens do not need to be established as much can be learnt from ‘works in progress’ gardens.

If you would like to share your garden with your community please contact Jo

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