UNE Landcare Planting

UNE Landcare will be continuing the planting on Dumaresq Ck Wednesday 21 Sept. Wednesday is set to be sunny and 23 degrees. This is a fantastic opportunity to get outside and enjoy the sunshine (after slip, slop, slapping to protect yourself)! Come along between 12pm...

Northern Gullies Planting

Come plant native trees and shrubs to beautify the Northern Gullies. Join HiCUB from 12-4pm on Saturday 17 September, meet at Taylor St near the end of Merinda Pl. Free BBQ Lunch, All Welcome.

Busy day at Drummond Park Bushland

Last Sunday morning saw about 15 people pitch in to pull weeds in the bushland patch behind Apex Lookout. This regular monthly Sunday morning activity happens in either Drummond Park or Snow Gums Reserve. Last Sunday volunteers removed jasmine and broom. These are...

Pellet heater trials underway

Work started this week on testing timbers from New England for their suitability for pellet production. With funding from HiCUB and RIRDC, researchers are looking at the possibility of using pellet heaters as a sustainable alternative to wood fires for home heating....

Bush Regen at Apex Lookout

This Sunday, 4 September, join Kate Boyd at the Apex Lookout from 9:00am til 12:00pm to help out with bush regeneration activities. RSVP to Kate, {local land line prefix}2 4026