Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

September Forum: Travels Through Queensland – Sustainability Opportunities and Challenges for Communities

Helen Webb, SLA member has recently travelled through Queensland and would like to share some of her thoughts and photographs illustrating some of the challenges to living sustainably in Queensland and how people from a range of communities have responded to those challenges in a positive way.

Helen was particularly interested in the health of the ecosystems that underpin our existence. Queenslanders are facing similar and sometimes more challenging dilemmas to those we face in our local area. Helen was impressed and inspired by the commitment and long term action and outcomes in a variety of locations.

The Forum will be held at Kent House (Faulkner street opposite Central Park) at 7pm on Thursday, October 5th. Talk and discussion will be followed by a light supper and a chance to converse informally. Gold coin donations are appreciated to cover the venue costs.

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