Welcome to ‘Renewables done right‘, a new series we’ve been working on, where rural and regional Australians share their experiences of living with renewable energy. Last year we conducted some in-depth research into rural and regional attitudes to the renewable energy shift. That gave us the evidence base we needed to back in what we’ve been uncovering in our work for more than a decade: communities at the heart of the energy shift are crying out for information that is relevant to their lived experience. People want to hear real stories, from people like them, about how they are navigating the shift to renewables.

So, we set out to capture a collection of case studies, travelling across different states to meet with warm, genuine people who generously shared their stories. You can watch those films below at your leisure – and keep an eye out for more to come. If you have a case study that you think should join the family, or if you’d like to know more about our plans to get these stories in front of as many people as possible, please reach out to our Communications Director Kitty Walker

Local Energy Hubs » Renewables done right