Congratulations to Electrify Armidale lead by Trevor Brown, in partnership with REEACH/SLA and the Community Power Agency and supported by UNE SRI in the gaining of a FRRR $20,000 grant titled “Armidale Community-Driven Shift to Renewable Energy and Sustainability”

The $20,000 grant (plus $2,000 in-kind support from SLA from 2020 Climate Emergency ARC allocation), so total $22,000 is for around 7 events/forums/ workshops across the year 2025. Details and a calendar of events are currently being finessed by the project leads and Steering Committee. Topics  include:

  1. Electrification and improving the thermal efficiency of homes and small businesses  – Trevor leading, Sanaz and Michelle supporting
  2. Electric transport (2a Electric bikes, 2b Electric Vehicles)– Trevor leading, Michelle supporting. To include E-Bike event with Iain Mackay SLA.
  3. Local businesses leading the energy transition – Lou leading, Melanie and Trevor supporting
  4. New England Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) / ‘Understanding the Local Energy Grid’ – Sanaz and Michelle leading, Annette supporting
  5. Home, Community and Pole Batteries – Trevor leading, CPA supporting 
  6. Multicultural Outreach Session – Heidi and Claudia leading, Sanaz supporting  
  7. First Nations Outreach Session/s – Heidi leading, Claudia and Annette supporting 

As part of a broader vision and to support this grant realisation Trevor has  started forming partnerships with Rewiring Australia and Energy Upgrades for Australian Homes | RACE for 2030 , both of which have done extensive work in this space. Energy Upgrades and the Uniting Climate Action Network – Uniting Climate are particularly interested in supporting the Electrify Armidale campaign as a potential model for other communities across the  Australia.

As part of the grant Michelle is leading on the development of Engagement Resources (Demo-kits) + Energy Efficiency Information Guides/Brochures and Visual Display Signage that  can be used throughout the project. Note that the $2,000 in-kind support from SLA from 2020 Climate Emergency ARC allocation to REEACH was specifically allocated for this purpose. Of the original 3,000 there is now $1,000 left to draw on.