Wow, what an amazing week it was last week. Thanks so much for attending our Online Launch for Renew Australia for All. It was so amazing to see so many of you on the call. If you couldn’t make it, there’s so many other ways to get involved.

Next steps

Across the country we’ll be building power in communities far and wide. Through thousands of conversations, we know that we can build enough power to win and meaningfully change everyday people’s lives. Cost of living is hitting harder than ever -> the Energy Bills Savings Plan would lower peoples power bills everywhere, whether you’re a renter, home-owner or in social housing.

Our first step is to meet with our MPs, they heard our message loud and clear in Canberra and now we want them to hear it in their electorates from locals across the country. You can sign up here to join or lead a group meeting with their local MP. Groups across the Renew Australia for All coalition will be leading these meetings, so if you’ve signed up, we’ll reach out in the next few weeks to link you up with people in your area.

We’d also love you to share this video far and wide, with your friends, family and communities. You can also follow on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with everything Renew Australia for All.

Followup Resources:

You can see the slides here, and if you missed the session, you can watch the recording here. You can also read our Energy Bills Savings Plan here and see the work we’ve already done through the Community Listening Tour here.


Incredible work and congratulations to everyone, look forward to what we can achieve together!
