Armidale 4pm, 22 Sept, Kent House find out what is the Manilla Solar Project? 

The Manilla Solar Project is a community-led 4.5 MW solar project with a battery of 5 to 10 MWh storage, to be located 2 km to the South of the Manilla substation, on the Calokerinos property.

It will be hosted on 15 ha of land, and it will have a life span of 25 years, with an option for another 10 years.  It will power approx 2500 homes.  Manilla Solar aims to be 100% community owned, and we expect that it will be funded through a combination of equity investment, government grant funding and possibly a loan.  We invite you to invest up to $10,000 in October 2024 when the Manilla Solar crowd raise opens.

100% community investment gives the project the best ability to share financial returns through community initiatives i.e. the ability to sell cheaper power to local residents, business and shareholders.Our ambition is to build a model of community ownership and share our blueprint with other communities across the New England /North West.

Would you or your organisation like to know more?
Come along to one of our presentations or arrange a meeting by contacting:

  • Emma Stilts on: {mobile prefix oh for}07 43 55 85
  • Monique Johnson on:{mobile prefix oh for}33 448 093

or email:

Manilla Solar Project

Roadshow Events — Guyra 1pm, 22 Sept, Guyra, Neighborhood Centre — Armidale 4pm, 22 Sept, Kent House — Manilla 7.30pm, 24 Sept, Manilla RSL Club — Gunnedah 12pm, 25 Sept, Smithurst Theatre — Narrabri  6pm, 25 Sept, Geni.Energy — Quirindi 12pm, 26 Sept, CWA rooms — Tamworth 5.30pm, 26 Sept, Tamworth Hotel — Zoom  Anytime!  Please get in touch