Please don’t miss the Koala Movie at The Belgrave Cinema next Friday 2nd August at 6.30pm.

The NSW branch of National Parks Association contributed both financially and with content to this film, it’s so much worth watching — Hope to see you there

The special screening will be followed by a Q&A panel with

  • John Lemon — JML Environmental Consultants
  • Dave Carr — Stringybark Ecological
  • Gregory Miller and Georgia Wallace-Crabbe — the filmmakers

“You’ll be charmed. You’ll be dismayed.
And then I bet you’ll be as angry as hell at what’s being
done to koalas in your name and in your own lifetime.”
– Tim Winton

“The fate of the koalas is tied very much up
with ours. And here’s a magnificent movie
which charts the life of koalas, even as
the human threat to them grows.”
– Bob Brown

“It does in the end come down to a cronyism …
who are the mates who have access… and if we buy the lies they
tell us about what they’re doing to preserve nature, if we allow
them to get away with that, then they will.”
– Elizabeth Farrelly

Find all cinema & booking information at flicks ($20.50)
This engaging feature documentary sheds light on a disturbing truth; the very entities entrusted with safeguarding our cultural treasures are contributing to the demise of these emblematic creatures. The Koalas embraces a spirit of hope with insights from those on
the frontline of wildlife rescue and ecology. It challenges viewers to become aware of
wildlife, support wildlife carers and preserve native habitat in their local areas.