An invitation is extended to the New England Community to join New England Greens from 12.30pm for a light luncheon, followed by a forum and address from MLC Sue Higginson – 1:00pm to 2:00pm.

Dangarsleigh Room, Armidale City Bowling Club – Saturday, 9 March 2024

For catering purposes please RSVP to the following email address  This is a free event.

We know Sue, a former Principal Solicitor and CEO of the Environmental Defenders Office, as a tireless campaigner and forceful advocate for social and environmental justice, peace and nonviolence and grassroots democracy.

Sue’s portfolios include Climate Change; First Nations’ Justice and Heritage, Environmental Planning, Justice & Attorney General; Agriculture and New England North West.

We hope you are able to join us.

Gaynor McGrath and Elizabeth O’Hara – Co-convenors for the New England Greens