An improved public bus network will be introduced to Armidale and Uralla from 11 December 2023. The better bus network will include:

  • More services for North Hill and South Hill
  • Improved connections to Armidale Hospital
  • Better connections onto services for UNE
  • New Sunday and Public Holiday services

There are now simpler and easier to understand timetables, more weekday services, and new services on Sundays and Public Holidays to connect you more reliably to where you need to go.

That includes 37% more services in North Hill and South Hill, with 23 additional bus services every week. Armidale and Uralla will also be better connected to key destinations including Armidale Hospital, UNE, Armidale Station and Armidale Airport.


Edwards Coaches

02?6772 3116

Kind Regards,

The 16 Regional Cities Services Improvement Team