New England Visions 2030 Institute

Forum — The Windfarm Experience

Wednesday 8th November

Armidale Bowling Club 5.30 – 6.45 pm

Europeans have learned to live with wind turbines for many years now. They are sited on hills, plains and offshore in the sea around coastlines. This is the price being paid for the transition from fossil fuels to renewables in an effort to slow down the destructive force of climate change.  Australians are only just coming to terms with this highly visible intrusion into rural landscapes. We invited a panel of professionals to answer your questions.


  • Mr Keith Appleby — Glen Innes Severn Council
  • Ms Alexandra Hall — EnergyCo
  • Dr Steve Debus — School of Environmental and Rural Science – UNE
  • Dr Sujata Allan — Armidale GP – Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA)

Everyone interested is invited. Your RSVP by email only is essential. Please email your RSVP by 5.00 pm Monday 6th November to 

A donation of $5.00 at the door is requested to cover speaker gifts and other expenses. NEV2030 is a completely independent non-profit organisation. These donations are our only source of funding apart from in-kind support from the Bowlo. A card reader will be available.

Those wishing to stay for dinner in the Bistro from 6.45 pm should make a booking with the club. 

Organisers: The Team, New England Visions 2030 Institute