Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

NEV2030 Forum No.1 — The cumulative social impact of the New England REZ on our communities

You are invited to the next New England Visions 2030 Institute Forum

The Changing Face of New England No. 1

The cumulative social impact of the New England REZ on our communities

At the Armidale Bowling Club

RSVP essential by 5.00 pm Monday 4th September to

All questions from the floor

Statement from NEV2030:

“It has been noted that the introduction of the New England Renewable Energy Zone has torn communities apart and created tensions among landowners.

There has been much criticism of the way in which projects have been introduced without overall co-ordination or community preparation.

This has alarmed our councils who have to oversee some of these developments and manage any future financial windfalls.

We invited three local Mayors to answer your questions.”


  • Cr. Sam Coupland – Mayor of Armidale Regional Council
  • Cr. Robert Bell – Mayor of Uralla Shire Council
  • Cr. Eric Noakes – Mayor of Walcha Council

Everyone interested is invited. Your RSVP by email only is essential.

A donation of $5.00 at the door is requested to cover speaker gifts and other expenses.

Please email your RSVP to 

Those wishing to stay for dinner in the Bistro from 7.00 pm should make a booking.


Organisers: The Team, New England Visions 2030 Institute



Sustainable Living Armidale is extending this invitation to our community members as community engagement with the development of Renewable Energy is crucially important.

Please note however that the the organisation and provision of this Forum has been undertaken independently by NEV2030.

Comments are closed.