Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Citizen’s Wildlife Corridors Working Bee

Do you long to wield the loppers, proper?

Do you dream of becoming a world-class weed-wander?

Are you striving to become just such?

Well, read on regardless:

Many of you will already know about the closed lanes to the north of Armidale that provide us with walking, cycling, jogging and bird-watching opportunities.

For those of you who aren’t sure where these lanes are: They extend from Arundel Drive North, Blue Wren Road and Trelawney Road north to Tilbuster ponds. There is a track east along Tilbuster Ponds to Charlston Willows and the Pine Forest. Check them out sometime.

For several years – interrupted by Covid lockdowns and seasons of heavy rainfall – a small group of volunteers has been working to clear these lanes of invasive, particularly perennial, weed species such as privet and pyracanthas. The work has followed a plan put forward through the Armidale Tree Group and authorised by Council.

Working bees are held on the first Sunday of each month. Hand tools are… to hand.  Morning tea is provided.

8:30am Sunday 3rd September will be our first working bee this season. To celebrate this fresh start and our achievements we will do some tree planting, have a slap-up morning tea, and s then walk through some of the lanes to see the results of our efforts and “mop up” as we go.

Your help would be valuable. If you are available and would like to take part, please email or phone Ken {mobile prefix oh for}28 851 952 for more details

Hope to see you after 8:30am 3rd September.

Best wishes

Ken and Leontine

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