Here is the submission we have developed on the proposed transmission lines to be built to support the New England Renewable Energy Zone. The group has attempted to take a nuanced response to this complex issue, in order to balance global impacts on biodiversity against local ones.

David Carr — Stringybark Ecological Pty Ltd

Recommendations for Transmission Line Planning & Management 

To Reduce Local Biodiversity Impacts 

New England Biodiversity Reference Group 


EnergyCo released an online map of preliminary transmission line study corridors on 5 June 2023 and subsequently held consultation sessions in Armidale, Uralla and Walcha. 

The transmission lines are part of the New England Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) infrastructure that will be built over the next 20 years. The New England REZ will provide 6GW of network capacity by 2033, with a further 2GW by 2043 which will make the New England region and its community important contributors to the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy. 

Our interest in forming a reference group is to get the balance right between global environmental outcomes and limiting local loss of biodiversity in this region. 

Read more» Submission_Recommendations NE Biodiversity Reference Group PDF 190KB