In early June 2023 a group of friends went for a drive and a walk east of Armidale, and heard lyrebirds in many places, and in the late afternoon, we were treated to a beautiful concert — a Styx River Forest Symphony

A road newly graded
Readying for its gravel, ends for
Now, a place to turn; we park.

Beyond, a single track beckons,
So we walk, late afternoon gently
Lights tall trees, treeferns,
Enticing us into the forest …

Our footsteps falter, stop!
Can’t move! Snared spell-bound
As Lyrebird, unseen, sings nearby
Sounding calls of thrush,
Cat & whip birds, currawongs,
Kookaburras and many more.
We’re awed, grateful for a free
Gift of a concert shared,
Clarion clear in the still air.

Light fading, our maestro quietens,
Released from enchantment we return
To the road, disturbed by knowing it &
Others seen today prepared for logging –
A harsh cacophony of trucks, sniggers,
Excavators, chainsaws, timber crashing.

Will Lyrebird still here find his mound?
Perform his tribute repertoire of myriad
Forest birds? Dance in courtly exuberance
To impress and attract a mate?

Will this part of Styx River Forest remain
Their home beyond this Winter-Spring?
Or…can we make a noise? Take a stand…
Could their fate really be in human hands?

Lynne Hosking June 2023

In July we returned, now the area where we stood entranced is closed to the community for logging operations to begin soon, now we express condolences for the lyrebirds and myriad other birds and animals losing their forest homes, we express our, Styx River Forest Sympathy