Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Death group will meet again and now has an FB page

Last meeting Greg Moin came to talk to us about  Advanced Care directive. I will certainly not go into the definitions of enduring guardian and power of attorney which he did so carefully. However it seems that Advanced Care Directive is only of benefit if there is a diagnosis of illness mainly due to changes in medical treatment. Thanks very much to Brian for inviting Greg as well of course Greg for coming to our meeting. Greg also brought up the legal aspects of transporting a body. Please have a look at information fromNatural Death Advocacy network (NDAN).
I have opened a fb page for the group so people can share interesting articles, workshops and generally communicate. The page is called Sustainable Deathcare New England. It is quite  fledgling at this stage.
Next Meeting 4th May at 7pm Kent House. Please give some input about topics we would like to look at. I am suggesting nuts and bolts of home death and funeral. It would be great to have input from Bec and Liz from the Death Doula perspective.

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