You would think gas and coal projects get properly assessed for their climate impacts right? Wrong!

Right now there are dozens of new coal and gas proposals sitting on Federal Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek’s, desk.

Narrabri Underground Extension and Boggabri Mine Extension of mine life are two of these. Both these projects have been of on-going concern to SLA and subject to actions by the SLA working groups.

EJA’s client, Environment Council of Central Queensland (ECoCeQ), is asking Tanya Plibersek to consider the catastrophic damage these 18 proposals would have on our climate – and on all of Australia’s living wonders.

And they need our support.

Add your name to 15 year old student, Emma Heyink’s, letter to Tanya Plibersek (here); ask The Minister to listen to the science and act; show your support for this legal intervention
If you have a little more time Living Wonders have two writing parties to help you write submissions on Sunday 20 November 3-4pm and Wednesday 23 November 7-8pm See here
More detailed information about Narrabri Underground Mine Extension can be found here and about Boggabri Mine’s Extension of Life of Mine here

Contact Elizabeth {mobile phone prefix oh four}08670684 for more information