As part of Southern New England Landcare (SNELC) Koala projects the Canines for Wildlife team will be on hand @ the Black Gully Music Festival a to provide an exciting public demonstration at 1.30pm. This is a central activity for the day, great for persons young and old and will be located close to the off leash dog park, across the causeway/creek behind NERAM up on the right hand side past the tennis wall. Follow the Koala signs!

Using Detection Dogs for Koala Conservation plays a crucial role to support research into koala populations. Detection Dogs are trained to locate koala “scats” (poo) to confirm areas that have been used by koalas as habitat.

By scenting for the presence of koalas, A detective Dog is able to “survey” for evidence of koala occupation in likely or suspected koala habitat for up to 6 weeks after the koala has left the area. This provides scientific evidence, known as presence/absence data that informs researchers whether the surveyed area is being occupied by koalas.

As our koalas are now endangered, there is an increasing need to gather data about koala populations and better understand what actions are needed to help protect these populations. Service providers such as Canines for Wildlife are tasked with training and deploying koala detective dogs to help identify koala habitat. The team from Canines for Wildlife also provide demonstrations help our community understand how and why koala conservation has become so important everyone.

Come along and learn more about our precious Koalas and the special Dogs who are helping us protect them.