Public native forests: which future?

Thursday 13th October 2022 in Kent House 141 Faulkner St

  • 6:00 pm Hearty homemade soups
  • 6:30 AGM, current nature conservation issues
  • 7:00 Guest speaker: ecologist Mark Graham

Protecting, conserving and restoring public native forests to address the interlinked extinction and climate crises

Mark will outline the environmental values of State Forests in the Dorrigo-Nymboida region and show effects of bushfires and industrial logging on these. He’s producing environmental DNA and video evidence. Logging is rapidly driving endangered species like Greater Gliders toward extinction, contributes to bushfire severity, water worries, weed infestation, and costs taxpayers $millions annually. Mark will explain the benefits of stopping logging of public native forests. NPA proposes improved public recreational, tourism and social benefits instead, including protection of many forests in a Great Koala National Park – one of Mark’s case studies – and conserving some forests in different multipurpose reserves.

To attend by Zoom please request details from well in advance
Any questions? Ask Kate {mobile prefix oh four}29724026