For many years Armidale NPA has enjoyed taken people to visit Mt Yarrowyck Nature Reserve, now renamed Bulagaranda Aboriginal Area.

We have in the past responded to Plans of Management, visited with Aboriginal folk, and walked along some higher areas of the reserve.

In the reserve we also participated in a successful field day organised by Kate Boyd that brought together land holders, government agencies and community to discuss concerns re the invasive spread of Coolatai Grass and ways to counteract it.

The hand back this Saturday will be a special event.


Join the festivities to celebrate the formal hand back of Bulagaranda Aboriginal Area (Mount Yarrowyck Nature Reserve) to its traditional Aboriginal owners:

  • When: Saturday 30 April 2022, 10am to 3pm
  • Where: Bulagaranda (Mount Yarrowyck) Aboriginal Area
  • Grade: Easy. Suitable for all ages. There’s a very short walk from the carpark to the event meeting place
  • Meeting point: Inside the entrance of Mount Yarrowyck Nature Reserve

This special day will start with a historic ceremony, followed by traditional dance and didgeridoo celebrations.

Bring your old or new photos along, either digital or hardcopy, to contribute to the photographic history of the reserve and the journey to here.

A creative kids’ tent will be open all day. We’re looking for that special piece of art which can be donated to be the centrepiece of the Bulagaranda logo.

A media tent will be playing some past oral histories and we’ll also be recording on the day. You can register as an Aboriginal Owner with the Office of the Registrar Aboriginal Land Rights Act (ORALRA).

Take a walk to the rock art and visit the informative NPWS trailer and ask a Ranger anything. We’ll create a hand stencil canvas to conclude this special day.