About 600 Ezidi people have come to Armidale in the last 3 years, after having spent several years in various refugee camps. Most of them have experienced significant trauma under ISIS.
Armidale has welcomed them with generosity and support by government agencies, Tafe, UNE, schools, health services and individuals and they have made great progress in their difficult transition to Australian life. However, the Ezidi community still has great needs of help with learning/practising English, other tasks of daily life or social support.. Presently Armidale Sanctuary are very short of volunteers and have not been able to fill the many requests for help by Ezidi families or individual adults or children.
I wonder if anyone of you would consider to become a volunteer (usually 1-2 hrs per week required). It would be of great help and much appreciated.
Please contact Astrid by phone on {mobile prefix oh for}07054907
Kind regards