Armidale Regional Council invites you to come along and help clean up the creeklands, which flow through the heart of our beautiful city.

Join in between 9am and 12pm, bring your own food for morning tea and then a sausage sizzle will be provided at the end for lunch.

  • Where: starting at Curtis Park (Near the new playground and the Armidale Visitor Information Centre) and moving along the creeklands.
  • What you will need to wear: appropriate clothing, sturdy shoes/boots, sun hat and a smile!!
  • What you will need to bring: work gloves, water bottle, sunscreen, hand sanitiser, a rug to sit on for morning tea and lunch, a sense of humour and a willingness to meet new people.

All community members are welcome, families and children are encouraged to participate and continue the work already undertaken in the area to improve our open spaces and wildlife habitat.