The Green Electricity Guide is a fully independent assessment of Australia’s electricity retailers. It is designed as a tool to inform consumers about their options to switch to a greener electricity provider. This version of the guide has been researched and created by Greenpeace with advice and support from the Total Environment Centre, who remain ongoing partners to the project and co-creators of the 2014, 2015 and 2018 versions of the guide.

Why the guide matters

When looking at Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions and contribution to climate change, the greatest source of emissions comes from our energy generation, which is dominated by the electricity sector. Australia has one of the most polluting electricity grids in the world and is the only OECD country in the G20 that relies on coal for more than half of its electricity supply. If we want to address climate change as a nation and as individuals, one of the most effective ways to do this is by transforming our fossil fuel heavy electricity sector to one that is 100% renewable as fast as possible. New-build renewable electricity generation is now cheaper than that produced by fossil fuels, and advances in storage and grid management technologymeans that renewables can increasingly do the job of fully meeting Australia’s electricity needs.

Australia’s electricity sector landscape varies across states and territories. This means that consumers will have different options for their electricity provider depending on where they live.

See the results of electricity providers