Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Pat Schultz awarded NPA NSW 2021 State Conservation award

In conjunction with Armidale NPA, Pat Schultz as a volunteer, takes people to The Pilliga and adjoining areas in tag-along tours at least once a year.

She respectfully introduces people to the homelands of the Gomeroi  and Gamilaraay to learn of their heritage, as well as sharing the natural beauty and unique features of The Pilliga.

Participation by local residents are an integral part of these tag-along tours, often guiding participants through the forest to places of wonder as well as places of concern such areas affected by the coal seam gas operations and long-wall coal mining.

Accommodation at the Pilliga Pottery and in the Pilliga Village assist the local economy and Pat has developed a network of rural residents who are willing to interact with newcomers to share their love of The Pilliga.

Many folk on Pat’s tours have thus become enamoured of The Pilliga and concerned for it’s protection and that of the well-being of the residents.

Pat’s book The Plundering of Leard and Pilliga Forest and Surrounding Farmland published with support by Armidale NPA, provides valuable information with regard to the unique qualities of The Pilliga and Leard forests as well as clear useful explanation about the destruction caused by current coal seam gas and coal operations. The book can also be used by those wishing to visit the area independently.

Pat is a most enthusiastic guide who strives on all excursions to meet the needs of individuals. She gives more than 100% of her friendly, generous nature to ensure that everyone who participates in the tours has an enjoyable, educative and memorable journey.

Armidale NPA wishes to acknowledge her contribution in celebration of her 10th year of outstanding contribution to The Pilliga and surrounding areas.

We appreciate also her qualities in the variety of  the many other Armidale NPA excursions with which she is actively involved. Pat aims at all times not only to introduce people to the Australian landscape, but also to encourage an appreciation of cultural and natural values.

She actively demonstates how everyone can not only have fun enjoying the outdoors but also how we may constructively express  concerns for the protection of our precious places.

Lynne Hosking, President Armidale Branch NPANSW  October 2021

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