The importance of COP26 and its relationship to the August 2021 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is the topic under discussion at this week’s Thursday Forum.

Speaking on the topic of “COP26, What makes it so vital?” will be Professor Annette Cowie, Principal Research Scientist – Climate, in the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI). 

Dr Cowie’s presentation will focus on what aspirations and actual interventions are needed for Australia to step up and commit to its full share or better (be a leader) in emissions reduction at COP 26, together with a brief summary of the main points of the August IPCC report (to which she is a contributor).

Dr Cowie will also speak briefly on her role in the context of the Zero30 Project, a collaboration between Armidale Regional Council and the University of New England which aims to achieve carbon neutral status for Armidale Local Government Area by 2030.

Prior to her current position, Dr Cowie was the Director of Rural Climate Solutions, an alliance between NSW DPI and the University of New England from 2009 to early 2014.

Her current research focuses on sustainability assessment and greenhouse gas accounting in agriculture and forestry; investigating key aspects of soil carbon dynamics and biochar processes; and life cycle assessment of forestry, bioenergy and biochar systems.