RSVP to stand in solidarity with Wangan and Jagalingou’s call to respect their human rights! 

Adani’s destruction of the Wangan and Jagalingou lands, water, and culture is a violation of their human rights. The Wangan and Jagalingou have called for an immediate stop work on Adani’s coal mine until an independent investigation is done on the groundwater impacts on the sacred Doongmabulla Springs. Adani knows that the significant drop in aquifer levels near the mine could have already caused irreversible damage to the Springs. But they are still extracting large volumes of groundwater. Every day matters. We need to take action now. A Wangan and Jagalingou Elder and representative will be speaking at the rally. Doongmabulla means the place of many waters. It is an ancient spring system that has been running for thousands of years and is the final resting place of the Mundangarra – the rainbow serpent. Senior W&J cultural custodian, Adrian Burragubba says if the Springs are destroyed “It will be a catastrophe every bit as destructive to our culture, and as hurtful to our people, as the blasting of the caves at the Juukan Gorge.”The QLD Government has the power to put a stop to work on Adani’s coal mine until an independent investigation can happen. Adani’s biggest investors have the power to publicly demand that Adani stop work unless the Wangan and Jagalingou have provided their free, prior, and informed consent for Adani’s coal mine.

Join us online at 6:30pm-7:45pm on Monday 30th August. RSVP to receive zoom link.