Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

WATCH: Emergency Action for Negative Emissions

Recorded at The Capitol, RMIT University
Below Zero 2030
Emergency Action for Negative Emissions

The dramatic shift in mainstream climate policy in support of a zero-emissions target is widely welcomed. But are we at grave risk of missing our intended outcome by attaching highly dangerous timeframes to this critical goal?


  • Saul Griffith – Founder and Chief Scientist, Rewiring America
  • Heidi Lee – CEO, Beyond Zero Emissions
  • Justin Borevitz – Professor of Plant Energy Biology, ANU

Moderated by Natasha Mitchell – ABC Broadcaster & Journalist

1 comment to WATCH: Emergency Action for Negative Emissions

  • editor

    What I am hearing from this video is that the prioritising of the economy is still important, construction electric vehicles will give more employment. No mention that the production of these electric vehicles & the wind turbines totally relies on coal power electricity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is just more smoke & mirrors, more time being wasted whilst we are running out of time.
    I would prefer to see/hear of positive actions to stop the burning of fossil fuels completely, because if we do not stop the burning of fossil fuels completely, then today’s children are likely to die from climate change!!! That is a science prediction, as is the fact that society/civilisation could collapse within the next few decades, that is within the next 30 years!!!
    Can you tell me what the other members of Sustainable Living Armidale Inc. are doing to reduce their carbon footprint, because I have to date not read anything about this.