One of the most powerful ways individuals can have an impact on the natural environment and climate change is through our diets- but with so much information (and misinformation) about nutrition and climate out there, it is easy to become overwhelmed and confused about what choices to make. In this talk, SLA Convenor, Tanya Howard will talk to Dr Amy Ashman about the big ways that individuals can reduce their carbon footprints through the food choices they make, while meeting nutritional needs across the lifespan.

About the presenter: Dr Amy Ashman (PhD Nutrition and Dietetics) is an Accredited Practising Dietitian at HealthWISE in Armidale. HealthWISE is a ‘for purpose’ (not for profit) organisation dedicated to creating healthier communities. HealthWISE provides primary health care programs and clinical services across the New England North West region.

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This is part of the SLA occasional forum series – sharing ideas and inspiration for sustainable living through online webinars, recorded lectures and hopefully soon, a podcast!