Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Wildlife Habitat Group meeting this Saturday

The next meeting of the Wildlife Habitat Group of SLA will be held on Saturday 12 October at 2pm at Angophora Bushland Reserve (entrance in Burgess St, opp. Stace Street, South Hill Armidale) Hopefully the temperature will only be in the high teens but hats and water bottles are recommended.

1 comment to Wildlife Habitat Group meeting this Saturday

  • Ali Cairns

    Please help if you can .
    My name is Ali Cairns, from Guyra.
    A TSR I walk daily, and have observed to be a walking track ,and at some time a Environmental Trust funded way of caring for this TSR, that is of high importance here in the Guyra township, as a wildlife refuge now it has been able t ok self regenerate very well, and is still well in this very not known rain depleted time we are still experiencing.

    I found out yesterday the TSR is open again to be leased.
    I need help from anyone, any group ,please please please, to somehow help this needed , well ,EEC ,and ‘re ogbised as a EEC by the LLS, now offering it again to livestock.

    How can I say a visit here is of immediate need to any o nd interested in preserving and protecting a very very rare example of a self regenerating, and very well EEC , now needing care to allow it to be a teacher of land care to our farming community in many man yh many ways of showing how rest from livestock can assist regeneration very well seen here in many ways.
    Water care is shown here very well by very thick grasses growing over the edges of this still running river feeding eventually the Malpas catchment.
    Please please can someone with
    some authority or gtoup pressure, hell this TSR of a rare and endangered habitat, remain a well example ,by not allowing sny lease to livestock please.
    We have seen on a few occasions a pretty faced wallaby there, always one only seen.
    Kangaroos and wallaby use this place to hide out from landowners shooting them as they also try to exist here in this never before seen or experienced dry time here.
    We have replied to LLS , A Helen Ward please know we have replied today to say please NO WAY to offer this to livestock again.
    We are desperate for assistance from any o be being possibly your group to please come and see this place please very soon .
    Or the other option is to take a lease somehow .
    Any way we can preserve this needed place can you help us from tomorrow please can Any one help .
    Ali Cairns
    I am a member of the ESAC committee,and walk this place daily as it teaches many needed knowing of river care way a, tree in numbers and mixed age from seed to over 150 years of age at least, many fallen trees now offering soil making ways of land care, tree litter of all kinds offering such needed groundcover to help land hold water longer, and many wildlife seen including remains of the ring tail possum that we know are rarely seen here or anywhere now.
    Can you help.please someone please as soon as possible please to see this place or walk it with us very soon as we know it very well to know it is now a vital habitat need for wildlife in this unknown dry time of future uncertainty.
    Thank you