Would you like to participate in a University of New England study?

Understanding Factors that Influence Sustainable Palm Oil-Related Purchasing Behaviour

This research aims to explore what factors might influence people to purchase or not purchase products containing only sustainable palm oil.

What will be required of you?

  • To participate in a group discussion
  • If in Armidale, the  discussion can be conducted face-to-face
  • If not convenient, or outside of Armidale, the discussion will be conducted online (using a video-conferencing platform like Zoom)
  • The discussion will take approximately 45 to 60 minutes
  • The discussion will be audio-recorded

Following the discussion, a transcript (without participant names or identifiers) will be provided to you if you wish to see one.


  • School of Psychology, University of New England

Are you eligible?

  • Over 18 years of age
  • Fluent in the English language
  • Have either a high frequency of having purchased products containing sustainable palm oil (8 or more times in the past 12 months) OR never purchased products containing sustainable palm oil over the past 12 months

Contact: Cassandra Sundaraja (M.Sc, M.Phil) PhD Candidate to be involved