Abandoned section of the Main North line north of Armidale with a post marking the distance from Sydney Central station. Photo by: Kiwifruitboi

At Armidale Ex-Services Club, Dumaresq Street.

A symposium to build community ideas, vision and strategy for better rail transport services between Armidale, Sydney, Brisbane and within our region.

Guest Speaker: Alex Claassens, Secretary of the NSW Rail, Tram and Bus Union, and adviser to the Federal Labor Party on rail transport.

This is a non-political meeting to hear about his work and vision for rail and transport services across Australia, and our region in particular. He has recently worked on restoring services between the closed Kandos to Rylestone line.

Advance submissions are invited from the public for Alex to look at and provide feedback.

If you have ideas for rail in New England, no matter how way out, please compose them in about 300 words, and send to before close of business 5th March.

This is an open and free event, but a gold coin donation would be appreciated towards room hire.

Further information: David {mobile prefix oh for}10 596 975