“This is what it would take to fund the transition to a new world.”

All of Australia could be converted to renewable energy for 7.7% of the money in the super funds in this country – which is how we know 100% renewable energy is 100% doable.

That’s one of the messages in the Accelerate film, the movie we’re making with footage from 350 co-founder Bill McKibben’s Accelerate Climate Action tour through Australia. Since we launched our crowdfunding campaign to make this important movie a reality, we have been completely overwhelmed with support.

If you haven’t seen our incredible trailer yet, check it out here (and take a look at our great crowdfunder rewards)!


Accelerate has an incredible team of cinematographers, editors and composers working on the movie, and we can also announce that Australian actors Mia Wasikowska and Sean Keenan have kindly agreed to do some of the voiceover for the film! We hope to be announcing two additional surprise voice over celebrities soon – we’ll keep you posted.

We’re making Accelerate because we want to create an effective tool to use in the lead-up to the next Australian federal election to empower individuals to take action and inspire new recruits to join the fight against the fossil fuel industry.

This is part of our plan to make sure the country is ready to #VoteClimate.

And committing to #VoteClimate also means getting our governments to commit to 100% renewable energy. Anything less is not enough.

We are committed to this vision. The fight to end all new fossil fuel projects and the transition to 100% renewable energy will be the central focus of 350 Australia’s Accelerate film.

Will you give to our crowdfunder and help share this compelling story with the world?

Your financial contribution will be so important in helping us create this new way of ensuring the climate action message cuts through the political noise.

Blair, for the 350 Australia team