Many of you are probably aware that coal company giant Adani have secured funding to go ahead building their dangerous mine in QLD, on the doorstep of the Great Barrier Reef…
We simply can’t let this go ahead for many reasons but here’s a few pretty obvious ones:

  • The mine would cook the climate, wreck the reef and drain our groundwater, so precious to QLD farmers.
  • Traditional owners do not consent to it. The majority of Aussies don’t want it!!

In order to stop our future being in the hands of corrupt corporations, we really need to put as much pressure as possible on our politicians. Through work with an organisation called Climate for Change, I’ve seen the power of conversations to create change, even if they are small steps. Armidale is in a unique position to create change being in the heartland of Barnaby Joyce.

The plan is to organise a door knock, have meaningful conversations about what is happening and let our politicians know that we will not allow such destructive plans to go ahead if people power has anything to do with it.

  • Date: Monday 27 August
  • Time: 6.30-9pm
  • Where: Kent House, 141 Faulkner St, Armidale
It is shaping up to be a fun, informative, and inspiring evening, possibly with music and a film. We are very lucky to have National Stop Adani campaigner, activist and speaker, Josh Creaser, to help facilitate this gathering.
RSVP by clicking on the link and filling out this form so we have an idea of numbers.