New England North West Regional Science Hub presents:

A Day in the Life of Your Soil

Soil organisms are very important for agricultural productivity and the health of natural environments. They influence how much water enters and stays in your soil, nutrient cycling, drought resistance and pasture growth.

This half-day workshop will give you a first-hand, up-close look at the organisms in your soil and the management practices that can improve the benefits you get from them.

The workshop will be delivered by David Hardwick, an agroecologist with Soil Land Food. David’s unique presentation style guarantees you will learn a lot and have fun. David has worked with farmers all over Australia in grazing, cropping, sugar, cotton and dairy.

This workshop is for farmers in New England interested in harnessing the benefits of soil organisms for increased productivity and sustainability.

  • When: 9:30am to 2:30pm Tuesday 14th November
  • Where: Newholme Field Laboratory, Newholme Rd. (turn off New England Hwy 8km north of Armidale)
  • Free: BBQ lunch provided.
  • RSVP: essential to Armidale Tree Group on {local landline prefix}1 1620.