Black Gully Music Festival 2022
10am SAT NOV 9th

Every year Armidale folk gather at Black Gully (behind NERAM) to celebrate community, music and biodiversity
Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.
Lightbulb Moments
Take control of your electrical use & costs with this Resource Guide Online PDF and Print PDF for welfare agencies to assist clients, colleagues and community.

July Forum: Sustainable Cinema presents Restoring Earth and AGM — Kent House 7pm Thursday 7th

Thursday, 7 Jul
7:00 pm

567385253_1280x720Sustainable Cinema is excited to present Restoring Earth — A new grassroots mini documentary set here in New South Wales which highlights the interdependent relationship between healthy native vegetation and healthy food.

From paddock to plate, more and more consumers are looking to know where their food comes from, and will be surprised to know that Australia ranks third among developed nations for land clearing globally. Land clearing has soared under reforms in Queensland, and now the NSW Government’s reforms to the Biodiversity Conservation Act could pave the way for a return to broad scale land clearing. Contrary to the pioneering philosophy that clearing the native landscape equals productivity, land clearing is responsible for a deficit in water and poor soil quality. So, it’s time to bridge the gap on one of Australia’s most heated environmental conflicts – and to show how farming within healthy native ecosystems is possible.

A documentary funded and supported by The Wilderness Society –

The AGM will be held before the short film with office bearers elected and Convenors of Action Groups endorsed. A year in review and vision for the future year will be presented by the current convenor Iain MacKay.

Sustainable Cinema on the big screen will follow on from a brief Annual General Meeting which will start at 7.00 pm and will be held at Kent House on Thursday 7 July. All are welcome to attend – gold coin donation appreciated. Show your support for Sustainable Living in Armidale by taking out or renewing membership on the night.

Official documents for the meeting are listed here:

1 comment to July Forum: Sustainable Cinema presents Restoring Earth and AGM — Kent House 7pm Thursday 7th

  • Tom Livanos

    According to the Oxford English Dictionary (20 volumes and decades in its composition), the world ‘economy’ derives from ancient Greek, ‘oikos’ (=’eco’) meaning ‘house’ and ‘nomos’ (=’nomy’) meaning ‘management’. An economy, irrespective of the scale, is the management of one’s house. It follows that the foundation of any economy is ‘ecology’ – awareness of one’s house.

    Studying the subject from year nine at high school through to post-graduate level and over ten years working in accounting, banking, insurance and financial planning, I did not learn these concepts.

    How ‘economic growth’ (not only unrealistic but an impossibility on any planet or celestial body) came to dominate today’s economic thinking is quite the story – feel free to ask me. What I can write here is that charging interest on loans (illegal for most of monetary history) is now, literally, eating away the body of Mother Earth.

    Warmest regards,
    Tom Livanos.