
New England Voters are being provided with a unique opportunity to directly assess the policies of all ten candidates at an Accountability Forum. The Candidates Accountability Forum is focussed on one of the most serious policy issues and biggest opportunities for the electorate — energy.

“The New England Candidates Accountability Forum will use mobile phone technology to allow every citizen who attends to anonymously ‘vote’ on their preferred candidate,” said Adam Blakester, Spokesperson for New England Energy Futures.

“This is an unusual public forum where we actually want everyone to keep their mobile phone turned on and to use it to not only vote, but also to actively contribute to the discussion about energy policy priorities, issues and opportunities for our electorate,” added Blakester.

Current wind and solar farm developments in the New England have quickly grown to become the largest infrastructure projects in the region’s history ~ with more than $1Bn of projects set to produce enough electricity for some 220,000 homes, making the region a substantial net exporter of renewable electricity.

At the same time though, the overwhelming majority of the region’s current energy usage, as well as its energy exports, is from fossil fuels.

“While mining has underpinned the progress of our quality of life to date, it is now facing significant and increasing challenges,” added Blakester. “Food and water security are very real concerns, particularly for the Liverpool Plains and Murray Darling Basin, as are the impacts of mining on air quality, climate, soils, wildlife and their habitats.”

The format of the Accountability Forum will support voters to consider the energy policy platforms of all ten federal candidates. Six candidates have confirmed attendance to date to be active in the discussion ~ Rob Taber (IND), Tony Windsor (IND), Phillip Cox (IND), Mecurius Goldstein (GREEN), David Mailler (COUNTRY MINDED) and David Ewings (LABOR). Negotiations are continuing with the other candidates, and particularly the incumbent Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce MP. The policies of absentee candidates will still be presented and considered.

In addition, the deliberations of voters will be informed by short presentations from local energy leaders to provide a strategic energy snapshot covering: land, water and biodiversity; coal, gas & nuclear; the health affects of climate change; wind, solar & diesel; and community energy.

“The Forum will allow for a high level of voter participation in the discussion, through questions as well as the use of mobile phones for electronic polling and voting,” concluded Blakester. “The entire Forum is also being filmed, recorded and will be broadcast live by TUNE FM.”

The New England Votes ~ Candidates Accountability Forum is being held on Tuesday 21 June at Lazenby Hall, University of New England. Attendees are asked to arrive at 6:30pm to be ready for a start at 7pm sharp. They are also asked to bring their mobile phone with them!

For additional information or to contact the organisers, go to: The New England Energy Futures Forum. The forum is a collaboration funded by Sustainable Living Armidale and Starfish Initiatives and is being organised with the following partners: Australian Wind Alliance, Australian Youth Climate Coalition New England, Community Power Agency, Farming the Sun, GetUp!, New England Climate Action Group, New England Wind, Solar Citizens, TUNE FM and Voices of New England.

Join the discussion — 7pm, 21st June at Lazenby Hall, Armidale 

The New England Energy Futures Forum is a collaboration funded by Sustainable Living Armidale and Starfish Initiatives.