Civic Park labyrinth after rainWe will start the day at 9am at Armidale City Public School, where Joy Bowles will demonstrate how to make a 7-path labyrinth out of strips of material laid on the grass.

At 12:45pm you are invited to “walk as one at 1” in a group at the Civic Park labyrinth, opposite the Servie’s car park in Dangar Street (north-west of the duck-pond). We hope to have our sign-board erected by then, so will celebrate that as well. This is the official activity of the World Labyrinth Day movement, where people around the world will walk with the intention of unity at 1 pm.

At 2 pm, we will go to the Aboriginal Cultural Centre and Keeping Place, and walk the 5-path labyrinth that has been installed in the lawn between ACCKP and NERAM.

Please ring Joy on {mobile prefix oh for}03 966 517 if you would like more information.
By: Joy Bowles