12310068_982692578460699_3465417016356228601_oWe have planted 5 acres of Frog 1 Hemp and very pleased with the progress so far. After 4 weeks, it is about 30cms high (1 Foot) The plan is to harvest just when it flowers and that way we will not have a problem with it crossing with any “Wild” crops. We have a hammer mill ready to be borrowed to break the hurd (core of the stem) away from the fibre but are still looking for a trommel to grade the hurd into small and large pieces. If you want to get involved when we are processing, please call {landline prefix sixty six}578255 or look up Stringybark Farm on FB. You can see recent photos there. We will use the finished hurd to build the walls of the new house and sell the fibre if we can find a market. Happy growing, Ken
By: KEN lewis