Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Pumpkins, Kids and a Brighter Future

loading-pumpkins-2015The next SLA Forum to be held on Thursday, 5th November, will be presented by Charlie Winter, from Pathfinders. Charlie is the Tilbuster Station project coordinator and will discuss the work being done at Tilbuster, where Pathfinders combines support for disadvantaged youth, teaching skills and providing community services in one very productive farm location. Troubled kids learn how to live off the land, and learn new agricultural and horticultural skills, growing food which then becomes a resource for local organisations such as Meals on Wheels. A highlight this year was the annual Pumpkin run, taking 3 tonnes of pumpkins to Sydney to make soup for the homeless.

A core principle of Pathfinders is to create opportunities for young people to contribute to society through meaningful activities and employment. Under the guidance of Charlie at Tilbuster this is certainly being delivered.

Charlie has a long history of working with youth and disadvantaged people, and witht eh added focus on sustainability, has also built his own very-green home in Armidale.

The forum, SLA’s monthly evening event, starts at 7pm at Kent House, Faulkner St. Come along for an informative and friendly evening

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