Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Rockin’ the road to Paris

imgresThe UNFCCC Newsroom has presented a new entry as part of their series of Climate Songs for Paris COP 21. The song “Set the World right Again” was submitted by Alan Atkisson.

Alan Atkisson is an author, consultant, speaker, and executive trainer with a focus on sustainability. He mainly works as a strategic advisor, speaker, and author on sustainability, but he has also been writing songs and performing professionally as a singer-songwriter for over thirty years. He finished writing this song in 2009 when he was working as a consultant to the UN Secretariat, building support for ideas that could accelerate the spread of renewables to developing countries.

Climate change has taken up a large part of Alan’s work since the 1980s as he has had the opportunity to talk to many scientists about it. He grew more and more worried and in 1990 he wrote a dark-humor song called “Dead Planet Blues.”

Twenty-five years later, the message of “Set the World Right Again” is much more optimistic.

Weblink: Climate Song of the Week for Paris

1 comment to Rockin’ the road to Paris

  • Tom Livanos

    The following verse is inspired:

    There are voices that say that it’s already too late
    There are voices that drown out each other in debate
    There are voices that claim that there’s no place to start
    But the only voice to listen to
    Is the voice in your heart

    Thank-you for sharing and I am glad that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change selected this song to be Song Of The Week.

    Best regards,
    Tom Livanos.
    Armidale, New South Wales.
    Thursday 8 October 2015.