Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Invitation – 6th October: Public Launch of Z-NET Uralla Blueprint


45f5a1fa-e573-45ad-873b-672d9bd20919Public Launch of Z-NET Uralla Blueprint
by the Hon. Mark Speakman, SC MP Minister of Environment, Minister of Heritage and Assistant Minister of Planning

6 October 2015, from 10:30am onwards, McCrossin’s Mill, 24-28 Salisbury St, Uralla NSW AU

Event program

  • 10.30am – Official launch of Z-NET Uralla and the Blueprint for rural towns
  • 12.00pm – Light Lunch
  • 12.30pm – Workshop for towns interested to pursue zero net energy
  • 2.30pm – Briefing session for policy-makers and funders

RSVP 30 September, Liz Gardiner {local landline prefix}8 7249
(please indicate whether attending launch and/or workshop and/or policy briefing)

1 comment to Invitation – 6th October: Public Launch of Z-NET Uralla Blueprint

  • Tom Livanos

    I came away from this event excited.

    Here is a community, Uralla, that is goal focused. The goal is the zero importation of electricity. One of the implications of this is that, once this goal is achieved, money which was previously sent out of the town to large corporations will, instead, remain in the town. The estimated saving of $2.2m per year may be spent on improving town infrastructure or simply learning about the environment in and around Uralla.

    Importantly, the people involved are looking to: (i) share knowledge; and (ii) allow others, such as myself, to participate in the Zero Net Energy Town Uralla Reference Group. This group is involved in engaging locals to participate in the initiative. Whether I remain in Armidale or I move to Uralla, this will be of benefit. The reason: the whole world needs to be moving in this direction. Indeed, it is starting to. As I stated to Uralla Mayor, Councillor Michael Pearce (when Uralla won the tender process): I will be in Uralla more often than would otherwise have been the case. My attendance to the above event being a case in point. It is only the beginning.

    Responses most welcome.

    Yours sincerely,
    Mr Tom Livanos.
    Armidale, New South Wales.
    Thursday 8 October 2015.