Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Simply Sharing Meal 2015

The Annual Simply Sharing Meal 2015 is next Sunday 20th September at 12 noon in Armidale Uniting Church – 114 Rusden St in the Youth Centre Lounge, up the back of the church. Parking in the carpark

Guest Speaker: Edwin Chang’a – Edwin is a PhD student at UNE, from Tanzania. He will be talking about small crop farming

Cost: Dinners contribute the money they would normally spend on lunch or dinner for this simple meal.

This is an opportunity to listen to an entertaining speaker and share with those less fortunate through the purchase of a meal.

Proceeds will go to a Uniting Care Project. More details phone Susan {mobile phone prefix oh for}15 750 434

By: Susan McMichael

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