Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
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Hey there, from the new camp!

img_20140206_082724Just writing to let you know what’s been happening at the Front Line Action on Coal camp and Maules Creek blockade.

In the last couple of days, the bulk of camp FLAC has moved from the edges of the Leard State Forest to Cliff’s property, just 15 minutes away. 

Things have been rather hectic in the last couple of months, with work ramping up at the new Maules Creek mine site and 28 activists arrested since December. Just yesterday a protester attached to a tripod structure shut down the main haul road of Whitehaven’s Tarrawonga Coal mine for twelve hours in an inspiring display of endurance and resolve. 

Here on the front line, dedicated people have consistently been putting pressure on Whitehaven and Idemitsu coal companies in the form of creative and peaceful direct action. There have been tree sits, picket lines, tripods, and mono-pole structures; with individuals locking their bodies to all kinds of forest-smashing machinery to voice impassioned objection to the desecration of country and land. What’s becoming rapidly clear is that these open pit coal mines do not have social license; we will not stand by while the entitled few jeopardise and pollute water, farmland, sacred sites, and the air that we breathe in spite of deep and widespread objection.

This campaign sends a strong message that coal mines are a poor investment, and investors should get out while they can. Hoards of concerned people from all over Australia are joining the blockade every day; both Idemitsu and Whitehaven Coal should expect sustained and growing protest in the year ahead. If you’ve read or seen any media in recent months, you’ll notice the fastly cementing bonds between large bodies of people (including Front Line Action on Coal) and various NGO’s as functioning under the nomenclature of “Leard Forest Alliance”. It’s yet another example of the strengthening of opposition here to open pit coal mining in Australia and should again, serve as a warning to those thinking of investing in this cagey and dying industry.

The campaign, like all things, is only as good as the people who make it. So mobilise yourself. Get off the couch and come to the camp, even if it’s for a day. If you’ve ever considered the dangers of climate change, or are interested in historic campaigns that create real change in the world, then now is your time to come. Consider this your call to arms; we are waiting for your arrival. Movements grow and change, and must be given fresh air with new lifeblood that passes through. So show your support in any way you can – the clock is ticking, trees are falling, and coal is burning. Make it happen. Make it count.

For further convincing, click here to see a timeline of Maules Creek mine protests, here for amazing photos of actions, and here to see why Whitehaven’s a dodgy investment.

Repost from Front Line Action on Coal article News From Front Line Action on Coal

1 comment to Hey there, from the new camp!

  • Tom Livanos

    Thank-you *all* for the wonderful resistance which you are putting up. My spirit is already there and my body will be following as soon as I can manage it.

    In the mean time, I have been writing letters. Letters to the Editor, letters to state and Federal politicians, as well as to others.

    Thank-you and best regards,
    Tom Livanos.
    Armidale, New South Wales.
    Sunday 16 February 2014.