62977_538192092881494_740689226_nOn the 10th February we will once again be presenting the Black Gully Music Festival. Last year we dodged storms but had a great time. This year its a community festival celebrating life, Landcare and summer in Armidale. Six local bands will perform on the open air stage on Black Gully behind NERAM while the crowd sits under the shady trees enjoying food and wine from NERAM Harvest. Southern New England Landcare will have a display of their current and recent activities; there will a tree planting organised by Armidale Tree Group and sponsored by Be Natural; and the Community Garden will be open for tours.

Al Heeney Rhythm and Blues Experience; The Kelly Gang; Maracuja; The Fat Ladies; Bez Imena; Mark Cooper.

Presented by Southern New England Landcare and sponsored by Black Dot Music, NERAM Harvest and Armidale Dumaresq Council.